Young Adult: Ages 18 & Up
Welcome to Adulthood!
This is an exciting time as many young adults are just branching out to live independently for the first time. Many of you will start college or begin working at a full-time job. Once you turn 18, you have many rights as an adult that you did not have before. You may vote for the first time, register for the military, apply for credit, or serve on a jury. Another important right is the ability to make your own medical decisions. The Bridge to Adulthood booklet has important information about how we will continue your medical care at Raleigh Pediatrics as a young adult and begin to transition your care to an adult medicine physician over the next few years.
Office Visits
Annual well exams are still important even as a young adult. Your physician will not only assess your physical health but will also discuss any other issues or difficulties that you could be having transitioning to a more independent life.
Tdap: (usually given at the 18-year visit)
CDC Vaccine Information Statement (https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/tdap.html)
Meningococcal B vaccine:
CDC Vaccine Information Statement (https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/mening-serogroup.html)
Flu vaccine annually (information posted yearly in the immunization section of the website)
Raleigh office
fax: (919) 848-3054
Office Hours
Mon-Fri*: 8:00am–5:00pm
Closed from 12:45–1:45pm for lunch.Sun: 8:00am–11:00am
urgent matters by appt only (Raleigh closed on Saturday)*Wednesdays, we begin seeing patients at 9:00am.
Garner office
fax: (919) 662-2021
Office Hours
Mon-Fri*: 8:00am–5:00pm
Closed from 12:45–1:45pm for lunch.Sat: 8:00am–11:00am
urgent matters by appt only (Garner closed on Sunday)*Wednesdays, we begin seeing patients at 9:00am.