Back-to-School Tips from

The AAP’s Healthy Children website has published some back-to-school tips for the start of the new school year.  Click here for advice about:

  • Making the First Day Easier
  • Backpack Safety
  • Traveling To and From School
  • Eating at School
  • Bullying
  • Before and After School Child Care
  • Developing Good Homework and Study Habits.

The Healthy Children website has lots of other useful information to help parents keep their children healthy, including information on the various Ages & Stages of childhood and the KidsDoc Symptom Checker to help you figure out what to do when your child is sick.

Office Locations

Raleigh office

1921 Falls Valley Drive Raleigh, NC 27615
phone: (919) 872-0250

fax: (919) 848-3054

Office Hours

Mon-Fri*: 8:00am–5:00pm

Closed from 12:45–1:45pm for lunch.

Sun: 8:00am–11:00am

urgent matters by appt only (Raleigh closed on Saturday)

*Wednesdays, we begin seeing patients at 9:00am.

Request appt.

Garner office

1405 Timber Drive East Garner, NC 27529
phone: (919) 779-6423

fax: (919) 662-2021

Office Hours

Mon-Fri*: 8:00am–5:00pm

Closed from 12:45–1:45pm for lunch.

Sat: 8:00am–11:00am

urgent matters by appt only (Garner closed on Sunday)

*Wednesdays, we begin seeing patients at 9:00am.

Request appt.