Routine Screening Tools during Well Exams
The physicians of Raleigh Pediatrics perform comprehensive well exams on their patients following the Bright Futures (American Academy of Pediatrics) recommendations. These recommendations include timing of the exams along with appropriate testing, screening and lab work. It is possible that some portion of the exam may not be covered or may be applied to a deductible by your insurance company and then would be your responsibility. While we are sensitive to costs, we believe all of these screenings are necessary to provide the best care for your children.
Examples of routine screening tools used at well visits include
General Screenings:
TB screen
Lead Screen
Developmental screening tools:
M-Chat Autism screening tool (routinely done at 18 months and 2 years)
PEDS Parent evaluation of development status (at intervals between 6 months – 5 years)
Behavioral and Psychosocial screening tools:
EPDS Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Screening (routinely done between 1-6 months old)
RAAPS Rapid Adolescent Assessment for Preventative Services done annually 11 years through 22 years