Virtual Telehealth Appointment
Virtual Telehealth Appointment
We are now able to offer virtual TELEHEALTH appointments using a new system called Please call our office to schedule a virtual appointment. Once you have scheduled an appointment you will receive an email with the link (or click the link below) to the virtual waiting room to connect with the physician at the designated time. Not every visit can be completed this way but for those that are options, this will be an easy and convenient way for you to connect with your primary care doctor.
Raleigh Peds Virtual Waiting Room
- Select Raleigh Pediatrics from the drop down window
- Click Enter Room
- Enter the Patient First and Last Name
- Click Check In
The physician will join the call as soon as they are available. If you are having trouble accessing the video or audio, click on Pre-Call Test in the lower left corner. If you get disconnected, just click back into the site and the provider will join the call again.