Preschoolers are quickly gaining independence, from toileting and dressing themselves to separating from you more as they start preschool programs. They love to pretend, dress up in costumes and can have wild imaginations. This may lead to an imaginary friend or a fear of monsters, but that is completely normal at this age. They have more control over their bodies, so you can teach them to pedal, skip and swim. They learn quickly and will be able to recognize shapes, letters and colors.  Keep reinforcing this with frequent reading to them and then letting them use a book to tell you the story. Feeding a preschooler can be a challenge as they tend to resist new things, but keep trying. They start to understand more at this age about respecting authority and behavior boundaries. Family time is very important to give them a sense of security and identity, so eat, play and hang out together as much as possible.

Office Visits

Beginning at age 3, your child will come for yearly well visits. We will continue to monitor his/her growth and development, screen for any problems and administer important vaccines. This is also the age where we will begin vision screening.


Flu vaccine annually (information posted yearly in the immunization section of the website)

4 years old

Quadracel (includes Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis and Polio components):

Proquad (includes Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Varicella components):

Well Child Check and Immunization schedule

Office Locations

Raleigh office

1921 Falls Valley Drive Raleigh, NC 27615
phone: (919) 872-0250

fax: (919) 848-3054

Office Hours

Mon-Fri*: 8:00am–5:00pm

Closed from 12:45–1:45pm for lunch.

Sun: 8:00am–11:00am

urgent matters by appt only (Raleigh closed on Saturday)

*Wednesdays, we begin seeing patients at 9:00am.

Request appt.

Garner office

1405 Timber Drive East Garner, NC 27529
phone: (919) 779-6423

fax: (919) 662-2021

Office Hours

Mon-Fri*: 8:00am–5:00pm

Closed from 12:45–1:45pm for lunch.

Sat: 8:00am–11:00am

urgent matters by appt only (Garner closed on Sunday)

*Wednesdays, we begin seeing patients at 9:00am.

Request appt.